
Rebranding: 5 Easy Changes to Refresh Your Brand Image

Experience is undoubtedly a USP: years of service, expertise and long-standing reputation are a proud achievement for any home improvement business. A dated image, however, will do you no favours. Facilitating home transformations is your bread and butter, but when was the last time you refreshed your brand?

Why rebrand?

Rebranding is frequently put off by business-owners. Yet, even the biggest retailers – globally recognised brands – overhaul their image from time-to-time.

Rebranding allows you to:

  • Modernise
  • Attract new customers
  • Reflect new business offerings
  • Target different demographics
  • Stand out from the crowd
  • Align businesses following merger or acquisition

Quick ways to rebrand and refresh your business

1.      Consider your target customers

Thinking about why you’re rebranding and what you hope to achieve is vital. You don’t want to invest time and money building a new brand identity that doesn’t work. Think about your current customers:

  • Who are they?
  • How old are they?
  • Where do they live?
  • What is their income?
  • What do they want?

Then ask the same questions about your ideal customer. Here’s a great guide from HubSpot on finding your target audience.

There are loads of tools you can utilise to do the hard work for you, like Google Analytics. It’s worth exploring which tools will benefit you most, as well as assessing your reasons for rebranding. What’s not working?

The better understanding you have, the more successfully you can navigate the next steps.

2.      Evaluate your mission

Evaluate your mission statement. Is it still reflective of your core purpose? Does it define what you do for your customers?

Businesses evolve and your mission statement might need updating if you’re no longer aligned to it. Here are some great tips for writing a mission statement in 5 easy steps:
3.      Redesign your logo

Your visual image might be outdated. Design trends have moved on considerably over the last few years – has your business’s logo moved with the times? A picture is worth a thousand words. A great logo is unique and instantly recognisable.

A graphic designer will craft you a sleek and considered logo, but if you’ve got design skills, you can do it yourself. Canva is an absolute game-changer for businesses, making professional-looking design accessible to all.

4.      Update your website

Everyone is online today, including your customers. If your website is old-fashioned, it won’t convert into sales. Web design used to be a dark art, but sites like Squarespace and Wix make it easy. Here are three tips for your website:

Keep it simple – don’t bombard your customers with too many words or images.

Clear CTAs – tell your customers what you want them to do. Buy now, get a quote, register here or get in touch. Don’t add too many though! Decision paralysis leads to inaction, and customers leave.

Optimise – SEO is important. There’s no point having an amazing site if it never gets seen. Most website builders come with SEO tools – use them. 

5.      Get social

More than half of the world uses social media. Your customers are on social media so you should be too!

Leverage social media to reach your customers by being searchable and present. Sharing relevant content, testimonials and products can improve your brand image and engagement.


The Changing Nature of Face-to-Face Sales in a Post-COVID Environment

Face-to-face sales are central to many sectors, particularly Home Improvements. Customers purchase large-ticket products, and buy the holistic experience – reputation, quality, expertise and, very often, a lifestyle.

Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has proved it is possible to do almost anything virtually, we are still social beings – we like human contact. That’s why the face-to-face sales technique is so effective. Cold-calling and cold-emailing leaves people cold for a reason, and both are easy to ignore.

The benefits of face-to-face

Face-to-face sales are personal. Sales representatives are experts in their field and can deliver presentations while answering any questions the customer has. This expertise provides reassurance and builds confidence in your brand that results in sales.

Selling face-to-face:

  • Reassures customers
  • Builds brand trust
  • Boosts buying confidence
  • Improves customer experience
  • Increases sales

Face-to-face sales post-COVID

The pandemic pressed pause on face-to-face sales earlier this year, but, with the correct measures in place, it can now resume. Be sensitive to the uncertain climate caused by COVID-19 and the anxiety your customers might feel.

Safeguarding your sales reps and customers

  • Before making and attending an appointment in your customer’s home, it is important to check local COVID-19 restrictions. You can check the Local COVID Alert Level using your customer’s postcode here.
  • Ask your customers whether they, or any other members of their household, have tested positive for COVID-19, are awaiting COVID test results, or have any symptoms. If they have, rearrange the visit for a date after the end of their isolation period.
  • Provide your customer with an explanation of the measures you will take to protect them and how to expect their appointment to go.

At the appointment

On arrival, your sales reps should reiterate that the customer and members of their household do not have, or suspect they have, COVID-19.

  • Use hand sanitiser before entering a customer’s home
  • Maintain a safe distance in the customer’s home
  • Limit contact with surfaces by letting customers open doors for you, for example
  • Try to sit side-on to customers, rather than opposite them
  • Use technology to process sales at arm’s length

How Shermin’s Trade-Quote App can help

In these days of constant change, it’s crucial to demonstrate to customers that you are innovative and able to reimagine the sales process to meet their needs, despite the difficult circumstances.

Here at Shermin, we developed our Trade-Quote app to provide a frictionless purchasing journey. Trade-Quote is a payment-options and quoting tool web-app – both mobile and desktop-friendly so you can bring it to the customer’s home.

Trade-Quote allows you to calculate finance repayment figures at the touch of a button, and email a full list of payment options to the customer and automatically to yourself.


  • Increases chances of a purchasing decision
  • Increase transparency and trust
  • Emails clean and professional quotes
  • Is simple to use

Register here:

Key takeaways

  • Face-to-face sales are pivotal in the home improvement market, but safety is paramount.
  • Taking precautions to protect your staff and customers will build trust in your brand.
  • Leveraging technology not only helps maintain a safe distance from customers; it also shows you are innovative, modern and customer-centric. 

Get in touch with Shermin to discuss how our Trade-Quote app can help your business adapt to the post-COVID selling environment.


The Beginner’s Guide to Point-of-Sale Finance – Part 2

Part one of our point-of-sale finance blog series conversed the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of point-of-sale finance. Now, we’re going to cover the ‘how’.

Point-of-sale finance is easy to set-up for Home Improvement businesses. Here at Shermin, we provide everything you need to get set up, as well as free advice along the way.

75% of retailers believe faster and more flexible point-of-sale finance is either very or extremely important to consumers when buying a product, according to Hitachi Capital (UK) PLC’s A Blueprint for Retail Investment 2018.

37% of consumers would consider using retail credit if they were offered interest-free deals, according to Mintel’s 2018 Consumer and Retail Credit report. 

How POS finance works

Traditional retail credit – like credit cards – relies on the customer applying for finance externally. There is often a lengthy application process, followed by a wait to receive a physical card through the post before customers can use their credit card to make purchases.

The beauty of point-of-sale finance is that the customer can access a range of finance products via the retailer, on-the-spot. They can choose and apply for the most appropriate solution instantly.

How to set up POS finance

As credit brokers, registration with Shermin gives you access to lenders and a choice of finance products to suit your customers’ needs. Options include:

  • Interest-free credit
  • Interest-bearing credit
  • Buy Now, Pay Later 

What you need

To start offering point-of-sale finance to your customers, you only need a few things:

  • A web-enabled device
  • Internet connection
  • A relationship with a credit broker relationship

You do not necessarily need FCA authorisation to offer point-of-sale finance to your customers.

At Shermin, we use our intuitive app, TradeQuote to make the point-of-sale finance process seamless. TradeQuote runs on mobile or desktop, meaning you will only need an internet connection and a web-enabled device (mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop). We are happy to talk you through the technology you need.

How long does it take to set up?

We aim to give you a live finance facility in just 48 hours. Other providers typically take at least two weeks.

Choose Shermin

Here at Shermin, we make it easy for retailers to offer point-of-sale finance to customers. We have access to the UK’s largest panel of lenders and (unlike some brokers) have access to all credit products available.

We specialise in (but are not restricted to) providing consumer credit for home improvement retailers. We work hard to keep our process simple but are always on hand to support you.

Start offering point-of-sale finance to increase sales, customer satisfaction and grow your brand.  


The Beginner’s Guide to Point-of-Sale Finance – Part 1

What is point-of-sale finance?

Point-of-sale (POS) finance is consumer credit offered at the point of purchase – when customers have reached the decision to purchase.

Other examples of consumer credit include traditional credit cards and store cards, as well as increasingly popular online Buy-Now-Pay-Later offerings, such as Klarna and PayPal Credit.

The way customers shop is evolving rapidly – POS finance helps your business stay competitive.

Changing consumer behavior

Customers demand more choice and flexible payment options

Bricks-and-mortar retail is struggling to compete against e-commerce. People can shop anywhere, anytime, thanks to smartphones and greater PC use. They also expect fast and free (or cheap) delivery, easy returns and flexible payment options. Today, consumers demand convenience and choice.

Despite this, there are some sectors where customers still prefer to purchase in-store – Home Improvements is one of them.

The impact of COVID-19 on Home improvements

  • COVID-19 has fueled a surge in the Home Improvement market
  •  People are spending more time at home
  • Need for home offices/workspaces more prevalent

The ‘don’t move: improve’ ethos was already gaining traction, but when the first lockdown hit in March, we suddenly found ourselves spending more time at home than ever before. Naturally, people wanted to make their homes as comfortable and functional as possible.

Needs changed, too, with home offices required for the shift to remote work and, amid travel restrictions, gardening’s popularity soared with people keen to both find a hobby and transform their outdoor spaces.

The impact of COVID-19 on finances

  • Consumer confidence wavering
  •  Economic uncertainty
  • Customers less willing to pay for big purchases upfront

Despite home improvement sales remaining relatively resilient throughout the COVID crisis, the pandemic has caused widespread economic damage which has now dented consumer confidence. Though showing signs of recovery from the minus 36-point low in June (according to GfK’s Consumer Confidence Index), ongoing uncertainty over job losses means customers are wary of making big purchases upfront. Many people do not have access to savings or wish to dip into them. Point-of-sale finance helps customers get what they need now while giving them the ability to plan their finances and spread the cost.

Why you should provide POS finance

  • Your customers want flexible payment options
  • POS finance boosts sales

Point-of-sale finance is easier than ever to provide. New innovation during the FinTech boom has streamlined the provision and application of retail credit, making the process fast and pain-free for the customer. Millennials are increasingly disenchanted with credit cards with high interest rates and complex terms. Point-of-sale finance offers greater choice and transparency.

Advantages of POS finance

Point-of-sale finance increases sales by 17% on average, as well as boosting order value by 15%, according to research by Forrester.

For your business

  • Boosts conversion rates
  • Increases average value of sales
  • Attracts new customers
  • Encourages repeat business
  • Builds trust and brand loyalty
  • Improves customer satisfaction
  • Easy to set-up and use
  • Competitive advantage and USP

For your customers

  • Spreads the cost of bigger purchases
  • Gives complete transparency
  • Empowers customers to manage their finances
  • Easy application process
  • Improves customer experience

What we do

Shermin are an independent, authorised facilitator of consumer finance solutions for your customers. We specialise in providing Consumer Credit.